Admittedly, Smokers Delight had remained my penultimate favourite when it came to Nightmares on Wax albums. Until now, that is. Carboot Soul -- mostly because of "Les Nuits" UGH! -- always ranked at the top, while A Word of Science fell somewhere third. So, I guess you could say Smokers Delight kind of landed in the middle (and not counting the others). Lately, however, I'm finding myself unable to stop listening to that album. God, it's so spectacular!
I only started listening to NoW about six or seven years ago -- just as I was first discovering the splendour of "underground hip-hop" -- you know, Atmosphere, Sole, Sage Francis, RJD2, DJ Shadow, etc., etc. There was just something about Nightmares that elevated "them" to another echelon. Something really special.
I'm telling you...all of the best musicians are from Leeds.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
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