Delightfully dark and symphonically beautiful, Daniel Agust - ex GusGus member - takes his new album "Swallowed a Star," through fits of rapture and majesty. Punctuated with orchestral melodies, the album shines a light on a new, and exciting side of electronica.
Always on the cutting edge, Agust utilized his almost boyishly sweet voice and juxtaposed it against shrieking sounds, violins and cellos, and quirky synths to create such compelling sonance. Most surprisingly, Agust does this without ever sounding contrived.
There is a certain urgency to this album; to the point of it becoming combative in the most alluring and divine way possible. Sonically speaking, tracks such as "The Moss" and "If You Leave Me Now" are stammeringly lighthearted. Meanwhile, "The Stingray" feels like an earthy and sensual dirge.
As the listener makes their way through the album, he will undoubtedly find sensuality lurking somewhere beneath the hardened layers of frustration and demand felt on many of the tracks; and it is quick to boil over.
Agust, a true musical vanguard, plants his feet firmly in the ground with "Swallowed a Star." His maturity is thoroughly evident as he gives classical notes a 21st century feel, mixing the concerto and conservatory with computers, and Mozart with mechanization. In essence, avant garde in the most understandable and magnificent of ways.
Download Daniel Agust's "Nobody Else" right now!
DOWNLOAD "Nobody Else"