What do you get when you mix Daft Punk and The Cure? Interestingly, you get the sharp electro band Cut Copy. "Bright Like Neon Love" is a perfect introduction for the electro neophyte. This band spices its music with hints of funk, electro and new wave, reminiscent of Daft Punk with a bit more guitar and Aussie accents.
Album: Bright Like Neon Love - 2004
Download suggestions: "Saturdays" - "A Dream" - "Hearts on Fire" - "Autobahn Music Box" - "Going Nowhere"
download Cut Copy's "Going Nowhere" right now!
DOWNLOAD "Going Nowhere"
Perhaps one of my favourite new bands to come on the scene; post-punk, shoegazer and ultimately fabulous. Veil Veil Vanish imparts a certain darkness to the bright, sunny state from which they hail: California. Throbbing guitars, and broodingly impactful vocals by Keven Tecon.
Album: Into a New Mausoleum - 2007
Download suggestions: "What Will You Say Tonight" - "Shadows Dripping Like Honey Kissing" - "All Hands in Prayer"
download Veil Vel Vanish's "Shadows dripping like honey kissing" right now!
DOWNLOAD Shadows Dripping Like Honey Kissing
More Swedes in the news! Presumably the most "exotic" of the bands listed, Studio is, as one individual described them, a Swedish duo who does "afro-prog -disco- yacht rock." Personally, I am unfamiliar with either term, but it is somehow befitting of the duo. I would describe this group as a harder Kula Shaker - an amalgam of African/Indian sounds and rhythms and alternative rock. At first glance, it doesn't seem like it would be appealing to you, does it? Trust me on this one. Take a ride through Studio's extrinsic exploration.
Oh, look at me. I alliterated.
Album: West Coast - 2007
Download suggestions: "West Side" - "Self-Service" - "Indo"
download Studio's "West Side" right now!
Download Studio 2 - West Side